Thursday, October 27, 2011

Helpful tips for your next dental appointment...

So I am sitting at home...first day of somewhat silence in the last week. The only thing I hear now is the Solo dog snoring under my feet and the little brother frantically clicking away on his new lap top.
Other than that, the house is silent...Now the reason I am sitting at home is simply because I just spent the last hour of my life with vibrating metal drills in my mouth...

The dentist, I know I don't like going, but it is one of those pains that I tend to forget, perhaps because it's not so much pain as it is incredible discomfort and weirdly invasive...

I spent an hour laying down with weird little drills making the wildest noises while attacking my poor teeth, who I am sure had NO IDEA what was coming for them...
So here are 5 things that I noticed today that I will write down in order to be able to read and prep myself for my next visit...and yes there is a next visit...:(

1) Do not spend any time on make-up before going to the dentist because you will end with weird coloured residue all over your cheeks and lips and whipping it off in the bathroom while your face is frozen is both unpleasant and ruins your makeup.

2) If your a glasses wearer like myself....take off your glasses because in addition to the discomfort that is happening in your mouth, it will also look like it is raining.

3) Ignore your dentist when he/she asks you a question while their hands and what appears to be whole head is inside your mouth. Not only do they not care about your answer, it will also come out sounding like something out of a zombie horror movie and you will be asked to 'please NOT move your tongue"...I might be the only one who knows this...but its SUPER hard to speak without moving your tongue.

4) Do not take off your sweater, even though it might initially be quite warm, when the drilling commences and your body automatically gets covered with goosebumps, you are going to look longingly at your sweater hanging up right in front of you and wish desperately to have it on.

5) Do not attempt to drink, eat or talk after getting a will end up spilling everything on yourself, be disappointed by the fact that the tea that you just made and REALLY want is something that you cant have, and just look altogether unapproachable for anyone to really want to talk to you...

If anyone has any other helpful tips to remember when embarking on a dentist adventure please do share...


1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh. I pictured your glasses having mini windshield wipers as the water was falling on you.
    Going to the dentist sucks but it really helps if the dentist is funny/goofy. I mean not too goofy that you don't trust her with your mouth but goofy enough that at the worst of times she can say something to make you laugh and then fake yell at you not to move your tongue/lips/mouth even though she knows it's her fault.
